Anything for Kimmie........ Although we might be in customs a while if they go through Barb-e-doll's toy :oops:
What is the estimated arrival time for everyone? We are scheduled to hit the ground at 11:15 on Thursday? Barb-e is already doing her cancun...
Ken, I am bringing you a squirt gun (large pump type) just in case you run out of shot glasses. :clap: Barb and T really want some of that "Big...
Sweetnurse we are in the same mindset as you when it comes to the media. As of right now we are not changing any travel plans. We are however...
Just For Rob [img]
If we win I'll wear the flag proudly.
Rob, Barb is kinda torn about which team she should be on being from germany. I always new she could go either
You mean Kiss some Texas ASS! lol We cant wait to see you guys!!!!!
April - We are 1 for 2 when partying with you and Hillbilly. Hey, did I tell you about my birthday lapdance? LMAO :bounce: Rob I am actually...
Rob,, Afer the toy swap there will probably be an exodus in mass back to the rooms. :oops: its kinda like x-mas when we were kids.... you just...
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny.... I hope we dont have to break out the sharpie again while you are
I'm with ya... except for the excercise part. Barb keeps asking if its time to pack yet. If I keep up with the 70 hour work weeks, Barb may have...
Rob, It sure sounds like you have been putting alot of thought into this. LMFAO Have you also been practicing biting your pillow? :bootyshake:
Hell ya....
hey johnny, there is a flight that leaves H town earlier. Somewhere between 9 and 9:30.
Johnny, As of now we are on the same flight. I'll know for sure within a week of travel. Looking forward to a good time.
April, Check your PM.......
Rob, I wish I could have made it for St. Patty's. Barb and I would have loved to see T. :lol: I'm sure she will be more than happy to give...
35 days and a bag drag...cant wait..really looking forward to seeing everyone again. I tried to get Barb to give me away as the toy. She said...
Arrrrrrrrgggg! Help! that video is stuck in my head and I can't get it out.