Try to do just one!!! :D Hope we can take the first ones wih you guys!
When they (or if they finaly) open in DR, the 2 (TTR and Desire) will be side by side on the same premises. Might be able to play switcharoo and...
Funny we've done pop rocks and it does bring back teen memories! Can surely be done on a room crawl...which can be as tame as shots and small...
Clothes, condoms, wives... OOPS did I say that?!! :eek: Tried the 2 first ones and it's a funny conversation starter! The 3rd... we've heard it...
Yeah we've heard. That would have been a complaint for us since we've been there almost every single day in 4 trips! Only time we don't go is when...
But how can they draw a line to ball cap/tank top/ surf shorts and flip-flops to make the place stand out as upper scale? Not that it matters...
It is impossible to sample everything they have at Skybar in one time. Everything on the menu is worth a try. And do try the bartenders up there!...
Breakfast for us is at Seaflirt...every morning. French toast is exellent and you can modify as to double or tripple the order. As a matter of...
Thanks for the info. We're planning on checking it out for ourselves and getting this kind of review brings a balance to the ones that say it's so...
BC: you def should!!! At least once...what a party
Went to Premier presentation last week at TTR and good news... DR Temptation is well underway! They told us that they are planning to build new...
When used to workin Snap-On, nothing else will do! That's what my wife tells me so...
What was it we lost on those cruises...oh yeah, inhibitions and innocence!! :oops: We wouldn't recommend going for cheap sunglasses. Being out on...