Terry Enjoy your time at TTR any how no matter what way things go, I know we are looking forward to spending some time with the both of you and...
Save some for us we also arrive wednesday around 1:30. We will be ready for the shot's!!! Chris & Tracy
11 days and counting - only 6 and a half working days to go... Dam it can't get here quick eanough!!!! Going to pack this weekend to make sure we...
We are there from May 16-22 so we will overlap a few days... See us around the pool stop and say Hi always glad to have fun with TTR group........
How about panites and bra's stay at home!!!!!
Just ordered the last bit of fun for the trip....... (I think) .... may still have to pick up a few more beads.... woo hoo..
Thanks for the great posting - go Chinos...... thinking of you often!!!!
We are members - just contact us and we can let you know what differances there are. When are you going?
Boy we will miss seeing you this year :( hoping to see you next year - Ann & Julian will be there not sure if you will over lap them or not.
Just outside Chicago here - we are headed to TTR May 16-22. Looking for lots of fun people to party with... Cheers
We are there May 16-22 - can't wait to get going and have soooooo much fun and have lots of sun, fun & drinks...... etc.... Cheers everyone...
Chinos... we think you are great and we hope you get better quick. You are never far from our thoughts and we will be hopeing to hear good news...
34 long days and counting..... just ready to see all of the May bunch again and have a blast of a time... woo hoo bring on the shots!
Wow I think this is a great idea - and now we will arrive with a bag full of beads! May 16-22
Hi Jamie - Would you add this to the roll call - Ann & Julian from England will be returning again this year Dates are May 8th -22nd - this will...
We are going May 16-22 would love to have lots of fun with the new arrivals as well as the rest of our friends - look forward to meeting...
Wow - I hate to hear about things like this at TTR but at least if they are going on everyone should know so we know not to use our cards or if we...