Monday Oct, 1 - Bali-hai Night Tuesday Oct 2 - Karoke Night - Live Band Wednesday Oct 3 - Revelation Show Thursday Oct 4 - Lingere Fantasy...
We are in Rockford you are not that far from us. Oct 4-11th.
We will look forward to meeting you and having a few drinks to new friends!! Chris & Tracy
Great idea's - do you have any dates in mind? The glow night on white night is good then Thursday is all ready taken with Lingerie night. Chris
There is an October Them Night thread going now - please post your ideas there. Chris & Tracy
How about a sexy sports night on (Sunday the 7th) , Glow night (on Monday's) & Sheer dress night? What does everyone think?
October Theme Nights. Please post sugestions so we can get to work on Them nights for all of our fun. Listed you will find what the resort is...
The yacht is available to Members to rent you will not find any info on it on the website. Members rent and get a group to go - do you know a...
We are bringing a couple with us now so up the count by 2 - Rosemary & John they are TTR vergins so join us making sure they have a good time....
We are going at the same time - we will look forward to drinks with you!! Cheers Chris & Tracy
Look forward to meeting you both and glad to have you going at the same time. Welcome to the October bunch!!
We will be thinking about the both of you and wishing you both Congrats. Look forward to seeing you next year!
Hi all - count us in for Oct 4-11. Look forward to seeing everyone again. Hi Kev - nice to know we will be seeing you again!
Sounds like you have a plan going there!!! :aktion033: We are getting ready for Oct trip to TTR then we can work on next May trip! woo hoo
You know the longer you stay the more you drink and the more fun you have!!!!!!!:aktion033:
So is anyone thinking about Theme nights for Oct yet..... That way we have time to shop and make more room for all of the fun stuff we will bring...
We have been to TTR on our Anniversary for the last 4 years - this are a few things - private dinner on the beach - couples masage - or a romanic...
Well it is on now - just booked our flight woo hoo, Dates are Oct 4-11th can't wait to see everyone there!!
Glad to celebrate another anniversary at TTR with all of our friends and family.... the more people we have the more fun it will be. Hope to have...
So wish I could find a good deal on the flight but having problems getting direct flight when we want but may just have to stay an extra day.......