Yes we have been to TTR in October for the last 5 Years. Weather can be cool at night but warm in the days, the crowd is good not as roudy as when...
Hi Kev, Hope to overlap a few days with you this year. Hope you are good and look forward to seeing you again!
Hay everyone - we just got back from trip #10 and they had great participation with 50 shades theme night - was a blast didn't see any theme night...
Hi you two! Seen you are going in Oct - hope to overlap with you again. You are a great couple!
Planning to book for Oct in the next couple of weeks. Just back and still need to do a trip report. Possible dates are Oct 5-12 will let you know...
Hi all, Just back from TTR and in Detox mode - with liquor & boobs... hahaha Had another great vacation with old & new friends. Thanks to everyone...
It is May now - 10 days to go until we are on vacation!!!!!! Lots of tequila and fun & friends!!
17 days to go.... just can't wait to go now.... come on tequila shots!!!! I will get last min. shopping done this weekend and time to pack.. may...
Nice choice in tunes!! Would be a good time to rock out with at TTR!!!
Ok.... 29 days and counting can't wait to get there and just have a blast! Happy B-Day Boston Mel just a few shots to get the b-day
Thanks everyone for the tips! I will pass along all of this information.
Hi everyone, We have frineds that are going to the caribian and want to call home but US Cellular doen't work down there.. Any help would be...
I will never let my hubby shave his I enjoy his mustache tooo much!!!!
Hi to you both, this is our 10th trip to TTR and we always enjoy meeting new people and having lots of fun. We arrive on the 11-18. Would be glad...
I aggree completley with this. It makes it very cost effective if you do more than 1 trip down there a year or if you are there for 2 weeks or...
We are members so I would ask your friends what is all included in there contract so you know what is available to you.. like free time at the spa...
We are members and I also look for other prices to make sure TTR stayes in line with what everyone else is paying.