There is a pretty big Pub being built in Plaza Solare. Looks REALLY nice!!!!!
It's about time!!!!
4 litres is pushing it. THAT is alot of water. I have doing the job I have been...out in the sun for about 5 hrs a day 6 days a week for a year...
It says that pretty much 365 days a year, total BS. Wish it was true atleast for 1 day. Feeling much better...not looking forward to getting back...
FM3 is nothing more then a FMM, in what way do you feel so? I get discounts. I had to commit to a 1 year work contract. And there are many more...
Not me. I ended up at the hospital today for dehydration. I need a break from this damn heat
I love a lazy river...hrs and hrs of R and R!!!!
good questions as I had some amazing ones here like at El Tacolote. I would never step foot into an Applebees let alone order a margarita from...
so many excursions aren't even near your hotel, so even if it's sunny there, it could be a different story where you plan to go. It's the tropics....
one word.... AMAZING!!!!!!
We are in a SERIOUS drought. We need the rain as since the beginning of March it rained MAYBE twice. But since then it has forecasted exactly what...
No one comes here and expects to end up there. But those that do have a battle getting out. Just wanna warn you!! You asked a question, and these...
I have a celebration (yuck) this week and would love a good buffet breakfast. Which of the ones listed above would be the best; with regards to...
I didn't think people still raved. YIKES!! Cancun as far as I know does NOT have Raves. If they do, it isn't happening in the tourist area. And...
The only times there is ever a long wait is when it's Spring break and everyone arrives on a Friday or Sat. I have waiting maybe 40 min max at...