Here is a link to a facebook album I made with pictures from the rooms we have had over three visits. The fourth visit a month ago we got the...
It is a way fun place, and their stacked enchilada is to die for!! [IMG]
For those of us like this: [IMG] They need the party to go on all night - kind of important for the trip! The party goes on way later than 2am...
Yeah, and it took FOREVER to get a drink on lingerie night because of the one bartender - the line was 30 people long the whole time ... while...
Sorry, but it was true in January for the entire last week, and it was not that way when we were there in April 2012, so yeah ...
Sarah was there when we were so she knows what I'm talking about - sometimes the bar would get really busy around midnight and it took forever to...
As far as we remember, they stopped the music at 2am and had a last call at the bar just before then. If there were a lot of people ordering...
Yes, everyone, they fucking closed the Paty O's bar at 2am every night we were there in January! None of the staff I asked spoke English well...
These questions/comments, and the others like them, are very reasonable to ask and deserve an honest response. The contest outcome looks highly...
Paty O's closed every night we were there at 2am, which was Jan 24-31. I was shocked, as our last three trips that was not the case. The resort...
The only thing I noticed in January that was significantly different was that they close up Paty O's at 2am, where it used to be open kind of all...
We went to New Horizons back in 2009-10 and it was SO much fun, but it kind of died in mid-2010 with a family fight, and the son breaking off to...
I was right in front of them at that time - lol!! Great times!! That was our first boobs cruise - and a total blast!
I have never seen a cockroach at TTR, after 4 visits. I saw a nasty beetle bug on our patio once, but that was outside and we were in the tropics!
Sand fleas have found me all four trips, I have to bring bug spray and found I even needed it on my ass sitting on the beach chairs and beds...
Last trip a month ago we only "left" the resort for the boobs cruise and to rent wave runners - cost $45 from the dudes by the sexy pool and they...
So your post has to be 20 words or more - I thought he was talking about the signature had to be 20 words or more - testing and testing and...
Now with the signature - didn't show up on my last post ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael & Shelly - we know Chinos will kick cancer's bitch ass!...
Done!! Kick Cancer's Ass Chinos!!!!
You can go to a website and pay for whatever amount of time you want, and it is about $15 per day, and $80 per week. It can only be used on one...