It works best for all in cancuncare to be united on what the themes are - that way we are sure to see who we all are at the party. No one else...
Are we able to pay for the entire amount on paypal? Would rather do that than bring the cash, if it doesn't mess up the accounting.
so no official CCC glow night then on Jan 9?
Are you guys doing glow night for white night on the 9th?
Booked for two :-) Last full day in Cancun - looking forward to it and glad we were able to have a cruise scheduled while we are there!!!
We will be down for the January 9 cruise :-) Can't wait!!
Bummer! We couldn't go later in January because of my work schedule :-/
I loved men's dress shirt night [IMG] I have an awesome pic of me and Jess together that night from two years ago too! Jess - are we going to...
Theme is after dinner - at Paty O's after around 10pm
My guess is that they are nothing fancy, and if you call the resort and don't speak Spanish, good luck trying to communicate on this issue - lol!...
Anxiously awaiting the announcement for the January dates!!
Tues Jan 6 Karoke/Live Band Night - School Girl/Kilt Night Wednesday Jan 7 Revelation Night - Leather/Lace Night Thurs Jan 8 Lingerie Night -...
We paid the extra amount they wanted and booked our flights so we will be there from Jan 6-12 :-) It worked out to $108 per night and that is a...
We will be there Jan 6-12, 5th time at TTR but first visit since Jan 2013. Honestly, we are not super thrilled about cheerleader or superhero...
We are booked Jan 6-12 - can't wait to see you guys again after two years :-)
We got confirmation from Alpharooms that our reservation is good for Jan. 6-12, I just have to pay the $219 balance (after the $10 deposit I paid...
We arrive the evening of January 6 and leave on January 12 and REALLY hope there is a boobs cruise between Jan 7-11 <on our knees begging> Can't...
I hate that we can't go the last week in January, I have a major work event that week that I am in charge of and must attend - only happens once a...
January 6-12 for us - can't wait for trip #5 - has been WAY too long!
We booked January 6-12 for $38 per night around 10pm last night. I got a reservation confirmation email from Alpharooms at 10:03pm, and as of 12...