Just set the vacation request today about to book!
We can't do less than 7 but our magic number the last few years seems to be 11 days. Hell we have to go back home to detox love our TTR vacations!
There is a day by day line up of the theme nights for the month of June .......
Hey neighbors!
Great TR guys did you guys get what we left on your door? Can't wait till TTR 2013 June Junkies group!!!
Outstanding TR all the best to you and Tabi time to plan TTR 2013!
Looks like your new names stuck we will see you two next year at TTR in June!
We will save you a spot in the sexy pool see you two this weekend!
See you two in a few days hurry!
Tabernak one more work day!
Final countdown Wenesday at 5:00 wont have to return to work till the 20th. Thursday we arive in the sexy pool by 5:00pm just want to say how fun...
Packing day and now final count down! See you soon!
Ed I agree ,I think a demonstration is defiantly in order!:aktion033:
We will see you in the sexy pool be there from the 7th to the 18th cant wait to return to adult spring break!
Final countdown Big Joe!!!
Next Thursday the 7th sexy pool here we come!!!!!:aktion033:
Final count down till we get to go nuts again! cant wait to see our friends and meet plenty of new friends!!!!:aktion033:
Still have one hour and fifty min on the west coast :umbrella1:till June but when I wake up it will be June! We feel like kids at Christmas!
OMG triple cruise???
It can be a Treasure hunt!.......:cool014: