Welcome to the forum... Great profile pic!!!
Never let your glass go empty, have an open mind and keep a smile on your face!!! Of course, All of this is easy to do because the people there...
We were there in May (our first trip!!!) and had a BLAST!!! Wanted to go back in October, but the "work" thing won't cooperate!!! LOL We will...
Welcome to the forum... Love the pics!!!
We're CRAZY busy too... but it's all good!!! That's great, You should have an awesome time working at the vets office. We STILL can't stop talking...
Miss chatting with you guys... Hope all is well!!!
Welcome to the forum!!!
Well, let me be the first!!! Welcome to the forum!!! You two look like a Sexxy, young, fit couple... You'll fit right in at TTR!!!
Love the new pics!!!
Welcome to the forum... Great pics!!!
The new pics are Great!!!
Nice looking couple... Welcome to the forum!!! You guys will have a BLAST!!!
I'd Know that tail anywhere!!!LOL Enjoyed meeting you... We had a blast!!!
Welcome to the forum!!!:aktion030:
Glad to hear y'all had a good time... Welcome to the forum!!!