3-21th March - 6 people
I guess so :icon_lol: and let us know what parfume you will use to fish during SpringBreak? :D
Well, from my experiences Senor Frogs is a blast everynight, and the best place to fish chicks at night
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah good one!
By the way, is there a specific day for the booze cruise or everytime it's the same good thing?
Well at the Oasis we did it "Old School Style" so many times. Here is the trick => between the Grand Oasis and the Phase II, there's a garden...
@ldn +529988850867
[IMG][/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG] A little picture of our 2011 Cancun playground (taken today)
[IMG] Uploaded with ImageShack.us Look nice isn't it
[IMG] Uploaded with ImageShack.us As you can see on the picture (taken yesterday) Oasis is running and it's pretty calm. Oasis is obviously...
Hope it will be running for next month and hope the "Open Bar plan" will be as cheaper as Corona Bar :biggrinbandit:
What about bringing "our" Cancuncare DJ and do our pool parties during the afternoon at the Oasis :lotsofmichaelfs:
Well, put the wigs around the pool + build a stage they can do this in one day :icon_cool: (Last year the stage wasn't that huge comparing to the...
Nuno, did you have a feedback from Studentcity? They might do the Co HQ thing coming back. In fact Studentcity moved his HQ to Krystal because...
Hi Guys, since yesterday it seems that the lawsuit problem at the Oasis is over. Oasis said that they are ready to welcome Spring Breakers.......
Come on, You can access the Krystal HQ stage and stuff from the Public beach, I'm sure everybody will do that.
Sounds like all the dudes at Oasis and all the chicks at Krystal :icon_mrgreen:
Regarding Krystal, anyone got good deals with this hotel? It sounds like an expensive Hotel, isn't it? Another thing, does the "stage" area of...
Question : where will be the music and days parties, djs, contests etc? Be Live? Gran Caribe? Krystal? All of them?
My english is not perfect, sorry for that, I mean, the Phase I will be Spring Breaker friendly but not the Phase II.