I like Churchill also. He also happened to be a conservative.... I couldnt resist, Brewster!:aktion030:
The problem is the bottom 50% or so do not pay any taxes and also consume a disproportionate amount of government services.
I have decided I am a lesbian.....:icon_biggrin: Ben
If you want a special kind of liquor or beer its better to buy your own. Not that you need to.
I wouldnt waste the time or money either after doing it last year. If you want quality booze duty free at the airport is a good option.
I tip in US dollars and use a credit card for the rest.Notice I said credit card, not debit card.
A Mexican Jail doesnt sound at all appealing to me....
Clinton had the luxury of the dot com boom, which as we all know was a bubble. The bubble busted around the time Bush got voted in, and we were...
What they need are several large hot tubs with real hot water. That would be fun at night. I could see the pool being quit cold at night during...
By your flawed reasoning, now that the Iraq war is over we will not have a budget deficit. I got this nice bridge for sale.... Take your trillion...
Oh, BS. He had control of both houses for two years. And Obama's record on spending makes Bush look like a miser and Bush had to deal with two...
Jamie, That about sums it up....
Can't wait is right...its 5 degrees in MQT right now.
Perry hasnt a snowballs chance in hell of being getting the nomination.
Go! You will love it. BTW in HS we bought fake ID's in Detroit and went partying in Windsor. About the best thing ever for 17 year olds...bar...
There is a very good chance they will>. Cant wait as winter is already getting old.
Of course that wasnt aimed at you, Brewster. I might have gotten in trouble if I had as my wife was liking your cowboy hat,lol.
Only if you believe China reports its military expenditures in a honest manner. Its also not just labor prices that keep the US uncompetitive....
Brewster, sadly Bush didnt do much right. And as scary as it sounds Obama has been even worse. I lean right and I look back at the Clinton years...
Jamie, I am aware of that and I think the correct way to fund Social Security is through cutting government spending in other areas and doing a...