We are hoping to be there some time in June, just waiting for Ben to put in his vacation at work. Another theme ideas is cowboys and indians. Lisa
Multiculturalism is a byproduct of a immigrants failing or not wanted to assimilate into the culture they are immigrating to. This hasn't existed...
I think the way Bush went about Iraq was naive and a mistake. Trying to nation build in the middle east is pouring money down a dry hole. Of...
We went to this place last year and it was awesome and reasonably priced considering the quality and service. Cambalache
Bush was far from right wing and for a variety of reasons. And of course the moron you voted for has done zero to help and quit a few things that...
Your confusing multiculturalism with immigration policy. And the people you refering to as " indigenous" are anything but. They displaced...
I will drink to that!:daveandmo:
Multiculturalism hasnt existed in the US untill recently. In Canada its been around for longer and has certainly made the country weaker as a result.
I dont believe in multiculturalism at all and as such the USA should have only one official language and that is English.
The second largest lobby after the NRA is the jewish lobby. Israel pretty much has carte blanche to do as it please. I dont think Obama is a...
Terence Corcoran: A war on green ‘radicals’ | FP Comment | Financial Post I wish our politicians had the balls to say/do something like this..
Are the Jacuzzis just tubs you fill up and empty each time you use them or are they real hot tubes that are full all the time?
The spherical look is usually a result of implants above the muscle and not the size of the implant. Some prefer this look.Another factor is the...
It pays to do your research and take the time to find a good surgeon. One must also realize that what the breasts looked like before augmentation...
The first mistake is buying implants from the French...:icon_biggrin:
In all seriousness, I liked my wives before she got them done and I like them now.
To answer I would have to feel em....
"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong." --Joe Biden, speaking...
Palin and Quayle are both morons, but neither has anything on ol Joe Biden...
The real problem is most politician do not have the balls to make the right choices, however painful they may be. instead the pander to their base...