What giveaways might you be referring to? Taking one mans earnings to give to another strikes me as inherently unfair.
There is no fareness in the tax code at all or else you wouldnt have 50% of the taxpayers paying nothing and a good percentage getting money given...
So what if he parked money in off shore accounts. And I dont think anyone is accusing him of breaking the law, so whats the big deal?
Do you really want me to pick aprt the incoherent crap you posted? It isn't going to be hard...
At least Romney earned his money. Obama on the other hand is some how a multi millionaire despite never having any long term career besides a...
Completely moronic comment, which is typical of the "Democrat base" AKA the something for nothing crowd.
Uh...I have never made it through the first day without puking at some point, so Id agree...:ernaehrung015::ernaehrung015: Ben
The bottom 50% that pay no taxes, yet consume a above average amount of government resources shouldnt have a voice.
LOL, I remember you and possibly owe my life to you :) Are you guys headed back this year?
The problem isnt the term length its the money that changes hands to pay for said elections and the strings that come with.
Canadian politics overview by Yank who lived there 6 years:icon_biggrin:: NDP= somewhere to the left of Joseph Stalin, Liberals- just to the left...
Ha, never noticed that. Not the first government loan by any means, but how the loan was obtained was really sleazy and was total payoff to obama...
In another brilliant move Obama torpedoed Keystone XL today... What would one expect form a "community organizer" who palls around with the likes...
Not sure what your referring to?
And so is your boy Obama.... He is also into torture as well because hes kept Gitmo open, despite promising the left wing loons he calls his base...
I have ate steaks at many nice places and this place ranks right up there with the best. The service was also outstanding. The actually make a...
And we also have evidence that suggests Indians where not the only people to have crossed said land bridge or that the Bering Strait land bridge...
I'm looking at June 12-19 depending on when my mother-in-law can watch the kids. It would be a blast to party with you guys, you seem like you...
Actually the only theme parties we've done are the one's from TTR. My sister-in-law was a sorority girl and they did lots of theme parties so...
more theme ideas - ABC (Anything But Clothes) CEOs and Office Hoes biker hoes and bicycle bros Dirty Doctors and Naughty Nurses, Golf Pros...