Not to get pleasure form you pain, but that was funny.:icon_wink:
Well, we will have to talk to Steve and make sure he has one while we are there!
Hi Phil,We will miss you guys this year. Im still pissed our wives got beat out by Beef Jerky!:icon_wink:
Does everyone plan on going on Steve's Boobs Cruise? I know we went last year and it was a blast!
Boy, with all these Ohio people, us Wolverines are going to be outnumbered...
Looks like we are in for June 11-18 baring anything weird. :ernaehrung015:
I wouldn't hold your breath there. As the younger gen becomes more aware of how bad they are getting fleeced things will change and fast.
Twin, it would not take long after paring SS benefits back that people would start realize what a poor program it is. I am sure in my lifetime...
BTW Bruce, According to the Tax Policy Center for the 2010 tax years 46% of taxpayers do not pay income tax. Not 50%, but dang close.
No matter how you spin it, in 2009 half the population paid no federal income tax and a good portion of those had money given to them by the...
For FY2012 defense spending is only 15% of the budget, so even if you elimnated the military it wouldn't do squat for our problems. Medicare,...
We are looking at June 11th - 18th.
Id not have a problem voting for Romney, although I am not thrilled with him as a candidate.
Not unlike any other country. Politics has always been and will always be a rich mans game.
I am trying to do the same thing and my wife is saying the same thing....I'm thinking persistence might win out,lol.
This one to be specific. Style MS10185 | Malibu Strings The white color is really see through and even more so when wet.
Bruce, I dont think there is strong leaders on either side, but I would rather slit my own wrist than vote for a Dem and for a variety of reasons.
I will second that. My wife just got a sheer,white Malibu Strings.....Doesnt leave a whole bunch to the imagination...:ernaehrung005:
We are looking at the 11th through the 18th, so we may be there at the same time.
I agree with that. Its a waste of time IMO. Ben