Humidity The temperature is not the real problem. Even the humidity is not bad BUT, PatyO's at night can be miserable. IT is surrounded by...
Time Got a smart phone? Ask it. They usually have a clock with capabilities to set different spots of the world. Should be five hours...
Bluetooth Hotel music is NOT crap, just different than what you might like. Let the resort be in the music business. Please leave it in...
Sales Pitch You are not required to attend the pitch and a solid "NO" will suffice! If you do the pitch, DO NOT go int the afternoon! Too many...
Nye Perfect! We are going but just wanted to get an idea what to expect. Always had our own party at home with about 30-40 people but...
Nye Can you give some insight into the atmosphere at TTR around NYE? We are booked for NYE Dec 29 - Jan 4 this year. Just wondering! TTR...
If you have ever done the foam party at Pearl, this one is quiet lame. At Pearl, the foam is about 6' thick, can't see where you are going until...
Feb TTR Can you post your dates? Look forward to meeting new friends! Easiest way to post dates is add them to your signature. Always there!,
At&t Uh, isn't the idea to be able to call INTO the US and not out or did I read that wrong?
RM vs TTR vs Pearl From someone that has been to Desire RM, TTR many times, it all depends in personal taste. You should not worry about...
Transportation We have tried them all from the airport to TTR and Desire. Best Day is the worst but cheapest. They take you the long way to the...
Guns I thought this site was someplace to go to find information, meet people going on vacation some dates etc etc etc. This is not a...
Newbies Just a recommendation, if you do not have a little tan, go tan and get one started. Like someone else said, watch out for the 1st...
Movies Yep, that is what I want to do... Buy an airline ticket, travel to Cancun and go watch a movie or two when there are topless women in the...
AMEN to what Donald said!! TTR NEEDs, no REQUIRES a HOT TUB!!! The hot tub on the top of the restrooms is in sad condition. It is small!...
Bbg I remember back in 2001 that the buffet dinning area was "Nice Shoes." It had A/C and was nicer in that respect. The games, team played for...
Rain Rain, oh does cool things off. I think we need to start a campaign to get the sports pool heated. Not just heated, but warm...
Themes OK, not that is where I draw the line!! Women in Mens Shirts and high heels is great but I WILL NOT be wearing any high heels! Last...
Themes Neon night Daisy Duke night Mens shirt night I like britsrhot idea, bare as you dare! Not like there is not enough time left to...
Massage Well, I am very happy for you. We just got back and will NEVER do another massage at TTR. I went in and asked for "the hottest couple...