sorry i thought so because of seth's shirt lol
welcome to the boards!!!!!! ill be here (i always am) and i think patrick too... check out the other posts woooooooooo
i was in that pic with seth and steve hahahaha
roo is okay, been once and never been back, not my favorite, but certainly cool if you go with your friends. no concerts during those dates....
WHATEVER!!!!! pussies! it really pisses me off... because it has absolutely nothing to do with the hotel zone... its not even close to where i...
stop it with the stupid bombing thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY far downtown... im a local and i had never been there... no idea why...
wanna get your ass kicked? :announce:
hmmmmm soy Norma el que sale en la foto conmigo es Mikey, yo vivo aqui en cancun wooooooooo
what?! why?! i love the video... and i havent posted the other one, want me to post it? hahahaha
Bienvenido Pibe!!!!!!!!!!!!! ojala que si puedas venir!!!!
SBG the legend (please dont pay attention to the drunkness of the person holding the camera) [ame=[media]]YouTube - fletch and mitch again
great idea hal, ill tell sarish
joe showing the finger on 2:08
bwahahahahaha i was hoping that video never popped out hahahahaha we were sooooo drunk one of the best days of spring break 2010!!!!
dont!!!!!! i did that last year! thats my thing! lol and i bought them already :(
me and my... lets refrase that, me and myself will be here till at least november this year hahaha
if they do i wont let you get one.... hahahaha i havent seen them, i dont really shop for that in walmart... lol
oops i dont know if this worked, he is in my friends, look for him as Shah
its on one of his status, you have to befriend him first... Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
steve, will you be wearing your lovely pink polo for the first night out again? please say you will hallie, no, walmart is turning to the left...