hahahahahahahaahahah fletch ur funny wookie, sorry i meant hoozle hahaha sorry again and there are more girls around, like cindy, and greta and...
Brent took me out to Puerto Madero and bought me pretty stuff :) :sofa: lol
hey! that means im a woman with power!!!! :3some: hahahahaha :angel1:
Norma is out of the office lately... lol i promise i will take a look around on thursday (my day off)
Joaquin, even for a mexican moving in Cancun is not easy, i was born and raised in mexico city, this is my second attempt to live here, must admit...
hellooooooooooooooooooo lol at least now you and hallie are posting often, and also ally and wookie (sp?) im regularly the only girl around :)...
we will prolly end up going to Frogs or Terrasta (you know how much i love it Nunito, sorry, please try for ONCE to meet me there?) lol
its gonna b crazy :) yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
i <3 Cancun :69:
Let me know where you are going and i will be your waitress, i promise hahahaha seeing how are you planning on spending (consider i live here)...
no se exactamente, como 3 dolares? la verdad no se
whatever bunch of stores they put together in Cancun they call it Plaza and they have the weirdest names, you are prolly talking about plaza...
hahahaha there are only like 5 of us posting in here hahaha and not all of them single
there is a Starbucks really close to where you are at Plaza Caracol, its one of my favorites :)
bwahahahahaah i was about to say: "who the fuc# are you?!" hahaha Hi Matt! hahaahahah u scared me for a sec :doh:
i sooooooooo was gonna tell him that! whos EF? lol
about the bikes im not sure but i could look around tomorrow and let you know. as for the WiFi, your best bet is Starbucks... or Hooters at La Isla
Prolly costco or sam's, if you are a member just bring your card, ill take ya there too if you want
no, the situation will be there tomorrow, not in march :(
Mandala is right where Corona Bar was (now its gone clearly lol) Daddy O is still exactly the same tho, sweet was there last year