We ALWAYS used Expedia until we became members. We joined a couple of years ago because it finally made sense to us and we finished paying for 5...
1 month from today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:partyhorn:
Came in to see pictures of people reserving chairs - left disappointed. :icon_cry: Firm
Oh - that's what we are calling that now? :bootyshake: Firm
You bet - hey I just realized WE HAVE TWO MONTHS FROM TODAY!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
I can't count that high(more than 10) - I just know we have one less day than you do! :huepfen021::huepfen021: Firm
The biggest hidden fee is the cost of all the return trips once you get hooked on the place. The first time we went, we had no idea we would end...
We are there from May 18-28.
We will be there from May 18-28th. A good group of people there around your dates. You picked a good time to go. Firm & Suz
Pretty much been doing the same thing Al. Best price I have seen since beginning of December for the flights we normally take are about $100...
Well .... we are happy! :aktion033::aktion033:
Boo - we are booked for May 18th-28th. We will only have 1 day overlap? Not good. :banghead:
We are the same way - we have tried many different months including December and February. Never went back in December and February because it's...
If they add a 4th story designed the same as the current 3 stories, that would be approximately 60-70 of the 100 rooms they are looking to add....
We just got back last night and we really don't know any more than we did after our May trip. Members are being told that when the renovation is...
Two weeks from today for us!
Still plenty of room on the Sept. 23rd Boobs Cruise. :biggrinbandit:
We are in. Firm & Suz
Absolutely. We have been a number of times and there are usually single girls on board. Firm
We are.