Sounds good enough to me TJ, I never thought to bother to look at night except this latest visit at PA, usually to enchanted with the nightlife on...
Below is a series of cross posts (my own) from T/A that outlines and updates the situation a bit on the BeLive/Oasis Resorts. Some of the info is...
T.J., yup, as I found out back in 1987 meandering the Isla looking for the real gravesite that is just a memorial. Didn't they bury him in Merida...
Recently spent about ten days at the PA in one of their upscale suites with ocean view, second floor patio and small infinity pool; and found the...
From the Governor's Office, Quintana Roo: Unidad del Vocero - Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo
Read a few days back that government officials went on inspections and either fined, suspended and/or closed a handful of businesses violating the...
Just a quick update, following a sharp rebuttal to the defendant (Intertravel/Globalia) in the case regarding motions filed, by the presiding...
The Oasis/ BeLive saga is a long and extracted story, I'll try and cut to the chase referencing commonalities as opposed to listing every...
Reality suggests that the numbers are indeed up, to what level would be the persistent question. The numbers coming from ASUR at the airport...
"Play City" is located on the second floor of the Kukulkan Mall across from Chocolate City and has a vast array of slots, electronic gambling...
Consider it done TJ, voting took less than a minute... :cool:
Apparently, PROFEPA Reps returned to "remove" the beach closure signs based on an earlier court order with 20 or so Mexican Marines in tow for...
Re: my trip Regarding the Royal Solaris, there isn't a chance in the world that while staying at the RS you would have to eat the same menu...
The Cancun stock market aka Hotel Occupancy numbers show an average over 70% for the time you were in Cancun, so it obviously wasn't "dead" due to...
The word I'm getting on this is that Perico's is closed in the downtown until at least December/ 2009 if not permanently at that location....
Greta good luck to you, your Mom and family, our prayers are certainly with you all and Godspeed for a swift recovery for your Mom.
This is my understanding of the current situation, Fonatur leased the land to a Japanese sports management group in November,1990 for use as a...
Some may be "quasi" franchises of a sort, like Lorenzillo's where the original is in Cancun and at least one other offering in Cabo San Lucas....
Pat O's is the first (1991) franchise that I know of off the famous Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans, there's a total of five around the world these...
Never had the pleasure of meeting Brian but I enjoyed his postings. My sympathies and condolences go out to his family and friends.