I know we arrive and you guys leave : ( booo!!!
Wait the BJ icon, has Kenny been experimenting with your winkie too!? Kenny and I thought i was your one and only experience!
You will be back on time to take a power nap but depends if your the kinda a person that can't get up after going to sleep when you drink. We are...
Thanks and remember get that party started right before the rest of us arrive :musik026: :cheerleaders:
Awesome more people to add to the party! We will be there from the 15-20th. You guys should check out the link for the boobs cruise on the 17th...
Actually Kenny I don't want you getting jealous when other people look at me, especially after the special moment you have shared with my...
Awesome we haven't found any yet but hope to before then if not I'll just wear the bikini you have all seen throughout the forum first day!
Great it would suck to miss people just because we did not recognize them especially since we have all had such a good time on the forum!
Question is anyone planning on wearing orange wrist bands to make it easier for all of us to recognize one another on our trips?
Having a blast is all that matters at the end but I disagree that your Chubby! We are always harder on ourselves. And yes 9dys can't wait to...
I have to say Kenny even though you are picking at me once again you out did yourself this time LMFAO! Love it and love the fact your kids are...
Off to have some drinks in the city to celebrate that we are almost coming to the end of this week and closer to getting to Cancun whoopi!
LOl guys but me killing Kenny won't be an accident ; ):aktion060:
Lol and here I thought you had finally stopped picking on me Kenny! In that case buddy game on in Cancun :deadhorse:
Will be looking forward to it Joe! Especially the shots, to new friendships :daveandmo:!
Stop bragging Joe, I'm getting very jealous that you will be there before us!!!!! On that note you are in charge of getting the party started and...
I know we are so excited too! We have a little more to go than you guys though : (
One day closer to getting there! We are sooooo excited see you very soon June Friends!
It's finally June people, lets get ready to party!
Sounds like the two of you were unlucky to be at the resort at the same time with a bunch of haters. This business of telling people what is not...