Ok thank goodness! The old Kenny is back, thought I lost you there for a second and you had turned into some humorless fart!
Kenny stop crying all the time lol! We pick on each other, it's a joke. I enjoy the back and forth picking btwn us! For the record now I'm...
Valerie is my imaginary friend who advised me not to hangout with weirdos such as yourself while in Cancun Kenny.
Kenny just quit the picking on Sue act, you know you love me!
Stop crying actually a big group of us all arrive the same day except you got screwed with the time you get in at! I guess it does suck for you...
Well maybe for next year ; )
You've been quiet today Joe what's going on lol!
I always thought these last few years it meant nice legs lol!
Have fun guys, sooo jealous but will see you in Cancun to :lotsofmichaelfs:
Our June roll call is about to start getting very quiet and boring as people slowly start leaving : ( but that always means more of us being there...
Glad you guys are on board for the boobs cruise, the more the merrier!
Have fun to all getting there before us but we do have a really big group coming in on the 15th if we look at the dates! I hope none of our...
Now you are talking lets partay whoopi!!!!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Omg, lol I was just looking at your Cancuncare album pictures yesterday and I had no idea that you were the same fb friends!
Oh man, you are really lucky Kenny, me and Val will probably be at the hotel by 1:00pm at the latest! So being this the case by the time you...
That's it I'm writing Cancun across my boobies and Care on Valerie's just in your honor lol! Oh wait no point we won't be together lol!
I'm from queens.
Got rid of the Skipper for you Kenny lol!
Hey Tina we are almost there whoopi! Hello to you too Jim but you know Tina is my new partner in Crime!
Of course, I agree you can't party all day go to dinner party all night and get down to the pool at a decent time if you don't! Part of my...