Any issues with bringing the liquid or the pill version through domestic airport security or through Mexican customs?
Having never attended a pool-based foam party before, my wife and I where pleasantly surprised during the foam party on our last TTR trip. Prior...
The wife just ordered a new set of bikinis from Wicked Weasel, and theme night outfit planning is in full swing. :marshe:
Well said, @MajesticMelons. Don’t recall anticipating our first TTR trip as much as this one.
This will be the longest four weeks ever!
4/27 - 5/1 Looking forward to shots with everyone at the sexy pool!
Are the theme nights ever different from what's listed on the TTR website schedule-wise? Theme Nights | Temptation Cancun Resort | Join us! If...
Same here! One of the many positives of living in Texas is the proximity to Cancun. @Nay and @Happydays let’s be sure to have a shot at the pool!
We'll be there April 27 - May 1st. @ScubaSteve we're joining @Party People , whom we met during our last trip to TTR. Looking forward to meeting...
FvnCpl Dates: April 27-May 1 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: Maybe