Great suggestion. Let the referral hunt begin.
Just received the TTR express check-in email... anticipation levels are skyrocketing! :)
Hey all - the wife and I are contemplating returning to TTR during Memorial Day weekend, but it appears that the resort is sold out on 5/25....
Looking forward to reading your upcoming trip report!
Have fun!
Great suggestion. Will definitely lean on the butlers for assistance.
Well played, sir. Well played.
The anticipation is mounting. My wife’s new Malibu Strings bikinis just arrived and she’s more than pleased with them. 11 days and counting...
About how long does it take to fill it up with water? We’re staying in a master suite on our next trip and want to ensure that we include...
Sure thing!
Looks like our April travel dates overlap at TTR. Looking forward to meeting you guys at the pool!
Guess we're "swirlers" too. Haha. Looking forward to meeting you both by the sexy pool!
Our flight lands around 10am, so hope to be poolside by noon or 1pm. When do you guy arrive?
Looks like our TTR trips overlap (4/27 - 5/1) - looking forward to meeting you guys poolside! :)