If you haven't already, sign up to receive TTR promotional emails. During our last trip, we received and used a special offer for spa services; a...
While I don't have specific suggestions per say, I can empathize with wanting to find other adventurous couples to travel with. Similar to you in...
Nice profile pic. What time do you guys land on the 13th?
Thank you!
Welcome to the party! We land roughly around the same time.
17 days and counting...
22 days and counting...
Thanks, Steph! See ya poolside.
Thank you. Still on the fence about the boobs cruise. Have a profile pic? Not sure who to look for poolside.
Agree completely. During our last trip, several people - us included - employed evasion tactics in response to handsy single guys and drunk gals....
Do tell... ;)
How did she / you respond to the person / couple that got very upset?
We had butler service in the master suite during our recent stay Apr 27 - May 1st. Would be surprised to hear that they've stopped offering the...
Are you landing at 3pm or arriving at TTR at 3pm? Either way, we'll get the welcome shots lined up for you guys at the sexy pool!
Likewise, Tom!
Right on. The early-bird gets the first shot at the sexy pool. :)
Thank you! We’re on the 7:05am departure, AA 1343, arriving at 9:42am. What time are you departing / arriving?
The deck for tower guests is located directly behind the sexy pool bar and to the right of the towel hut if facing the ocean.
Can't say that I've looked for a printer before, but I do feel your pain. Will be working remotely one day during my next trip too. :mad: Perhaps...