How does one get in touch with Don? Is it possible to buy tickets to attend the Dirty Vibes takeover parties without booking the Bash tower...
The foam party was crazy, wasn't it? The best one I've experienced across my 3 trips.
While they don't officially charge for this service, you may get away with tipping a staff member $20 USD to reserve seating.
What a night... NBA Playoffs at Scores by JnBcpl posted Jun 13, 2019 at 10:14 PM
Should land at the same time as you guys. Cheers!
Looking forward to meeting everyone tomorrow and over the weekend. We're very social, so don't hesitate to say hello!
Figured others may be interested to see what the penthouse suite looks like on the inside. Enjoy! [MEDIA]
Checked into our flight... wheels up in 24 hrs. :marshe:
@Jen&Kyle great overview. Mind sharing the name of the takeover group either here or via PM? My wife and I are looking for a similar experience...
Agree completely.
Welcome! Super excited for you two!
This is one of many reasons why I love CCC - the continued potential to connect with couples beyond the initial stay at TTR.
Same here. The view from the 4th floor did not disappoint.
Four days till sexy pool fun...:marshe:
Thank you and likewise!
8 days till go time.
Just booked with USA Transfers. :)
Agree completely. The addiction is real.
Welcome! Very excited for you two, as you're about to meet and party with some fantastically open-minded, friendly and down-to-earth people.