I am very happy, it wont be that long until I go back,, april 14-21 for me wooo hooo,, I will do my best to have a good time ,, since it wont be...
i am back,, im not dead,, but admit i cant wait to get back to a sunny hot beach with beautiful people.
No,, I will not,,but thank you so kindly for letting me borrow yours, and it even fit too..lmao
And even when they closed their was always a bottle of something and a crowd to keep it going,, and dont feel bad about the late wake up...
That was absolutly an awesome TR,,, thank you,, It was a true pleasure meeting you both, Im glad y'all had a great time,,
is still working on getting a few from the december group to go,,, but if they can they will,,, as for me??? you know I will be there,,,wooo hooo...
Im looking foward to seeing all the pics too,,i know some have made it to facebook,, but some cant be put on there,,,lol
awesome TR ,,,, I'll just say ditto,,woo hooo,,, another round for my friends and I... :lotsofmichaelfs:
that is a great sumation of the trip... for the rest of the story people are just going to have to go ,,, and see for themselves. Always a great...
woooo hooo,,, to that...