hey y'all,, I am gong to go check out Cabo for the first time, june 9-16.. let you know what i think when I get back.
cool.. I was wondering how busy the resort would be in June,, I have never been in the summer months before..I usually run away twice a winter,,it...
Im going to be down in Cabo for the first time june 9-16,, have been to cancun many times,,, time to check out cabo,,,see y'all there
Sue, I like the idea that the April group had,,, schoolgirl/ mens kilt night ,,was fun fun,,, but i'll save the cartwheels until december...lol
it was great to finally meet you Jimmy,, feel free to join our group anytime.. :daveandmo:
rotflmao.......OMG... true....so true...some more than others Jesse... :lotsofmichaelfs: would you like me to stir that drink....lol...
Coree,,, you'll have to get a picture up for me to remember,,,lol,, even though I may have seemed sober,, I wasnt,,, in fact I didnt sober up...
I had a good time.. but of course I always do,,lmao..
the slide show was awesome ,, good job Jimmy,,nice drinking with ya,,
The more the merrier,,, its a big group getting bigger every year, and more fun each time,,,if thats even possible,,,lmao,,,but its always fun...
lighter fluid or bad moonshine,, whats the diff ???? was cool seeing that on youtube though..I would be too affraid of catching the goatee on...
You "noticed" well Dan. I got there after you left,,, and my first morning trip to the sexy pool was met by welcomes from the staff, always a...
I am so envious Bruce... I still have until thursday,,,,arrrgh,, see ya when I get there
wow you guys are efficient..,I will be there but will book much closer to the date,,, see ya there
Its just a way to Identify another person from "CancunCare",, some groups do it some dont,, Woody's roll call is a good way to meet people as well.
Wow,,thanks Kim,, How did you know I was bringing mine???? lmao :daveandmo: