less than a month to go bud.....yeee haw
Have not a worry in the world you'll have a great time..with some great people. There is a large group of us single folk going at the same time as...
shhh,,, that stuff is supposed to be secret,,,lmao:lotsofmichaelfs:
Your right ,, I dont think I left the resort at all the last time I was there,,,
I cant remember,, thats why I take pics,, I know it was night time, and I had 1 or 2 drinks that day...lol
I dont think I have ever worried about the weather there,,,Its always nicer than here.llol. as for the pool,,,I have yet to notice the tempeture...
ya,, I have proof of you in the water Jesse,,, in my profile album..Im seated in my chair like a good boy,,,,
I know she would be there if she could,,she will just get to hear the stories and see the aftermath...lol
The beach is not that bad?what do you do on the beach other than sit and and drink and tan.they do have a volleyball court there. I recall seeing...
Awe that's too bad,, she will miss me too,,,lol
No decent Rye,,They have Canadian mist,,,Its a bourbon/ rye mix. Im a Crown or Gibsons man,,,so I Just drink fast,, so I dont notice the...
One month to go ,,,, officially,,,woo hooooo,, and we just got our first snow this morning,,booo
they use to have them at the night club at the Grand Oasis,,, as well as Basic,, Basic is closer,,just like having a bubble bath with your clothes...
takes a real man to wear a hat like that,,,,,yeehaw
look forward to meeting you guys there Nov24-Dec 8,, let the shooters flow, and the fun begin..woo hoo
I'm with you Brewster....my camera constanly reminds me of the things I forget in a whiskey clouded haze,,,lmao, good luck to those that mess with...
lucky man,,,,, cheers:daveandmo:
ummmm,,,,damn,, Jimmy went and got married and wont be there..I need a new partner for Beer pong
damn,,, now I have to pack socks too,,,lmao