We are ready to party again with all of our crew that will be joining us for this trip Labor day week to celebrate my awesome wife Denise bday on...
We are there from the 1st to 9th with friends. Look foward to meeting and partying with you guys..Denise n Tom
We look foward to meeting and partying with you guys. Gonna be a blast! Denise n Tom
Welcome to the crew. We will be there from the 1st to 9th with friends our 6th trip.look forward to meeting you guys.
We will be there from the 1st to 9th look foward to meeting and partying with you guys.our 7th trip comming with friends. Denise n Tom
Sept. 1st - 9th.....7th trip..
I think I am gonna try that "IM DRUNK" pick up line and see how it works for me...LOL
We will also be there Sept 1st to 9th with friends, we look foward to meeting n partying with you guys ..Denise n Tom
We are looking at Labor Day week for us and friends for the wifes Birthday. Who"s joining us??
Looks like we will be there Labor Day week with friends for our 7th trip...Who else is on board with us???
Leaving for the airport at 3am tommorow will be poolside by 10am, these addicts are ready to party and see all our old friends and make some new ones!
So whos the BOOB here??? LOL ...Apreciate what she has now, not what she had before...She is beautiful...Denise n Tom..
2 more sleeps to go! TTR stock up we are comming back and very thirsty...
Awesome,say hi when you see us and we can introduce each other with SHOTS!