Cant wait to read the TRIP REPORT about this venture! hahaha
While not judging you decision to get a vasectomy, but why in God's name did you post about it here? I would think some thing's are nobody's...
What happens then?
This is called "bait and switch", ladies and gentlemen.
As a veteran and wont be there, will you/someone offer a toast for all of our fallen. Thank you.
Get a shot glass and fill it with beach sand. Keep it on your desk and think of the good times :)
Ummm yeah, doubt those are real Oakley's, check for a serial # and Oakley's primarily don't have stickers on em indicating "polarized" or whatever.
Cripes!! What frikkin resort was this at?
And that is usually all you have to say, "nope I get drug tested back home" the word will spread and you should be left alone, buy once and the...
Just read that, those dam jet skis always run too close to the beach, however 7 Mile is a public beach and there is money to be made from the...
Depends on when you leave for vacation. Really need to start at least 6 months out maybe, "Beach bodies are made in the winter". If you have...
Yeah.....your averaging 12 posts a day. :)
No Tervis fan's here? Products - Tervis Insulated Tumblers - Mugs - Water Bottles - Gifts These are great, oh and they aren't called a...
Introduce her to the internet! LOL
Here's a brilliant the hotel and ask.
I don't get it....... $145 per person-per night, that's pretty cheap.
Yeah, old news....what else ya got? Bailey's or Rum Cream are the best for this purpose.
Wow, I am not even going near that spelling/punctuation mess... Moving on..
Well "Avoid" means to stop ones self or keep away from. Sounds like a self control issue maybe. "Oh gee I really gotta take this photo at...