Methinks there is something under the surface or something else going on, that is bringing out such sarcastic, angry, judgmental response's from...
"Outfit for hubby to wear on Cowboy/girl night" I thought this thread was a joke..
I noticed this as well, I think you hit the nail on the head.
Wow 6 likes! :) figured I wasn't alone, many thanks.
You are not alone. Called "CLICK BAIT"....... sophomoric isn't it?
Dam, I don't even want to unleash on some of the one track minded, judgmental people on here. Best to just let em eat a lot, drink a lot. Oh...
Oh the tales.....
Didn't mean it like that dude, we have been frowned upon for having a "frat party" like atmosphere in what we call the "kiddie pool" the shallow...
You wont get too many TR's from those resorts. TA is prob best bet for anonymous info. We who go there don't share too much nor brag about it...
Desire RM and Pearl need to stay amazing. If you've been there you will understand, it's not a frat party, don't bring it to those level's....
"My lovely wife and i have never had a vacation in 31 yrs of marriage and this was great." Huh? Wha? that can't be right.
LOL, I hope it does! its a right of passage.
Bachelorette parties can be just as much trouble, there's always "The bitchy one" "The loud one" "The pushy one" "The woo girl in a straw...
I'm only counting like 16-17 women in there.... sup with that?
Well said..
Jesus I got nothing on that....that place is 1st Class.
They set the bar didn't they?