jeezus h christ.......
WTF Tattoos - Bad tattoos
Not even gonna start with "ho tags/tramp stamps". Or as my bourgeois female friend calls it "A lower back tattoo"
Trying to get a sense of the meaning behind your tribal tattoo, armband tattoo, if you have one. Me and a buddy were discussing this and he says...
You kiddin! haha 2 of the big 3, POLITICS and RELIGON. Strange, after reading the thread that people see discussing their children as a...
Maybe you should give it a try, and not listen to your friends. :)
Flippin tourists.......but it is true medical facilities there need a looking into.
Actually headed to Negril for a week this summer!, miss it.
"Like every other trip we had a single guy issue." Hmmm no single's allowed there. What gives? Did they change the policy?
After rereading this post, he says basically "creepers/groupers" if he wants to save the "hottie" from them, then fine. Don't we all do...
Observant.....just about every poster has had/witnessed an incident. I think this is what this young fellow is talking about folks, stay tuned.
Leave it up to your "hottie" Don't get involved unless she says something, restrain yourself. Most women can handle Vinny's and Wally's, if...
I gotta lighter..
And not exercise and eat fried food, and drink a quart of soda a day, and take selfies, and judge others, and commit crime, and steal, and perform...
Dudes continuity went BOOM!!!! haha
Agreed on HIII, man they closed the wrong resort, but what I hear is that the new resort is off the chain.
Must be tough being you.
Wait, wait, wait......You have been to Desire 16 times? :icon_confused:
Thought so. Nice place isn't it, I could go on but you can attest to it now.
Desire RM smaller than Pearl by the way. And same demographic concerning age.