Not saying, those are the rules, sorry.
Its done. And its fantastic. Plenty o shade, not too many seats though. Pool water temp averaged 95 degrees daily when we were there, pool bar... we go again, ugghh.
Ah you'll be ok. I'd be more worried about your malapropism .....Self-conscious (NOT self-conscience) LOL
Dude, let it go.....and just be cool.
Geeezus, your kidding. Full of black mold?
(The Village Wok, Bellavista, and II Piacere, no shorts, no t-shirts and no sandals. Its not an opinion, its a dress code.
So what happens if I sit in your chair?.....
Finally said it, thank you Steve.
Haven't heard that one, but have heard of the black ring. However wearing certain hats will change your personality I think, we've all seen it.
Then can you tell us what star it is? I keep getting conflicting reports, thanks.
Do I have to be the first to say it......? Thanks Mom and Dad for wanting kids, your son. However I respect you decision to not have children,...
Like the avatar you have up?....I'd maybe change that.
Any chance you could cite your source? Sounds like someone or something does not want you to go if you are on the fence about it.
Until after dark, that's when the vampires come out.
HOLY GEEZUS H!!! I can't get over the fact that all those people in the photographs (that are not locked down) said yes to posting them...
Way cool bro!
"I love my kids but I don't care about other people's kids who I've never met. And I don't expect them to care about mine!" Tell ya what, tell...
Ah the 90's....what a phuckin mess it was. I mean acid washed jeans for Christ sake!