Oh Matt - I feel your pain Tracey x
Yes contact Petra at Cancun wedding center- she speaks excellent English/German and Spanish and can arrange everything from venue, flowers,...
Last week our friends from Uk had seperated all our rubbish - when I told them there was no recycling rules here they were horrified. Tracey
The safest way to do follow your dream is to get a job as a rep with one of the tour operators that come here from the UK. Thats how my husband...
No! thats just sick. Tracey
The 8.8 earthquake in Chile has caused a Tsunami warning to be issued for the pacific coast of Mexico. The time it would hit Acapulco is 1pm- if...
Holbox is beautiful.The beaches are made of tiny shells.There are very few cars- just golf buggies. The atmosphere is calm and relaxingand it...
I adore Holbox however anyone thinking of going this weekend is in for a wet experience. Mitad de Holbox está bajo el agua - Excélsior Tracey
Tiffany sorry I forgot to mention there is a very very good midwife from Germany based down in Playa .Its just another option - if you want her...
Hi Tiffany I am a doula- which means I support women in childbirth. I have a fair bit of experience with Gynaes in Cancun and the ONLY doctor I...
re the lovely Bones- I read the book and it did not move me at all- I wanted it to but it just didn't float my boat. Thanks for the warning re...
Steve my maids sister is available - please send your phone number and I will get her to give you a call. Tracey x
Los de pescado on the hotel zone- next to Ty coz. My favourite restaurant is La Palapa Belga- not cheap but really good food. Its on the road...
My daughter was stopped yesterday and given a ticket (one headlight was out and she had not noticed) so he gave her the ticket and it took me...
Cheesters- for really excellent pasta and salads- good prices and huge servings. Tracey
Our maids sister is looking for a couple of days work. Our maid has worked for us for nearly 4 years and is reliable and trustworthy. The sister...
Wales lost !!! Need tequila.
The 6 nations rugby starts today and I am desperate to watch the Wales v England match .Kick off 11am Mexico time. Anyone have any ideas of a a...
On the front of Novedades yesterday was a report of how the van that was stopped was suspected of carrying arms- however it was a mistake and the...
I just drove past the Riu Cancun where there are at least 40 police and army trucks and 100s of police- most of which were surrounding and...