Holbox !
Welcome Katie I lurked for a while before jumping in and Rivergirl was the first person I met in Cancun. We all have a love/hate relationship...
Sea , weather and the fact that we can play tennis nearly every day of the year.
Just a small plug/reminder . My daughter is performing tonight in the Cancun Arte production of "Spring awakening" a great rock/musical about...
Provocan las lluvias en Cancún inundaciones; abren refugio - Cancún Noticaribe Una intensa lluvia provocó inundaciones en gran parte de la ciudad...
The swimming pool has joined the garden and Pok ta POk golf course looks like it has joined the Lagoon!
Who said it was part time? I have friends that work very long hours at sunset.
You will have a great time - relax and enjoy.If Cancun was dangerous I would not live here.
Just as I need to book tickets to Fort Lauderdale...........I guess its Jetblue here we come.
Yet more negative publicity for Cancun .
I went to El Bosque and loved it! There was a fab teacher there called Bertha and I always asked to be in her class as some of the others were not...
We have also been overcharged at Applebees- we just don't go there anymore. T
National Golf have their head offices here in Cancun.They have built many of the golf courses in the area.I will try to get contact details for...
It was amazing - the actors were amazingly open with the content.( masturbation, sex, pregnancy, suicide) . The singing was fabulous and we all...
This is a small plug for a show that my daughter will be performing in saturday evening. "Spring awakening " "Amanecer de Primavera" will be...
Glad you are having a good and "uneventful" journey. Good luck with the next leg. Steve I got it and chuckled to myself. This board needs humour!...
V no I do not think tourists are at risk here , but people who live here do believe they can be targeted.Being "of means" can make someone a...
The hotel zone is fairly safe- but I have lived in many countries all over the world and this is the only place where my house has been broken...
Tragic isn't it. CNN have been all over this story today. Tracey
Two very bad things this weekend that could effect tourism to Mexico again. 14 people were shot dead in the town of Acapulco - 4 were beheaded....