Yes contact Paola Manzanilla a great photographer and a lovely girl- speaks fluent English as she used to live in the states....
No oil here !!!
I am a very proud mummy of a tennis kid .He entered a tournament called "Once upon a time tennis" - its a world cup event with kids from every...
There is a motel out near the airport (Cereza - I think thats the name) The motels often accept pets so its worth a try. Many air crew stay at the...
Re Cumbres- its a nice area and has a new supermarket and some restaurants - it is also very close to Alexandre . However within Cumbres itself it...
TJ I have an FM3 as a dependent.Its easier to change an FM3 from an existing employer/status than it is to arrive and then apply for a completely...
Having been a rep myself for many years with British tour operators I can tell you all companies ask their clients to attend welcome meetings....
We are looking for an English speaking person (English as first language - tho it could be soomeone who has 2 mother languages), pref. already...
Superama has walnuts!
I really hope it works out for you and if not - spin that globe again. The world is too large and exciting to stay in one place. Tracey
Holbox now has an ATM ! Progress - Im not so sure.! It also now has a swanky all inclusive hotel- Las Nubes. The north island which is uninhabited...
We love Holbox and have stayed in many different places. However prices this year for hotels do seem to have gone up a great deal. eg Xaloc quoted...
Where are people going to watch the match on Monday ??? I want to join in and bring my lad with a friendly bunch of Brits. Tracey x
Can Inn tel 9981152174 Calle Colegios- just down the road from the \international American school. My pooch always goes there for her holidays. Tracey
Charcoal tastes so much better !
2 headless bodies were found in Cancun at 5am today- according to the local radio.Also 3 more discovered in Acapulco yesterday. No doubt this will...
Whats the rental cost?
Yes it gets hotter .I had a reminder last weekend in Merida- it was 39 degrees at 7pm.My eyes felt like they were boiling inside my head. I have...
I envy the way Mexicans are so relaxed about time keeping .............but being British I HATE how they are always late.
I have had 2 kids educated for many years in the Uk (private school on scholarships once they reached aged 12). Their primary education was at a...