I am now the very proud mother of the State Tennis champion. (10 years and under). He played 4 matches to get to the final- only dropping one...
Our renewal for the family took 2 months from start to finish- no immigration lawyer involved or paid for and it all went smoothly. Yes the queue...
My friend has found a beautiful golden retriever running on the carretera. She has taken him in but her 4 other dogs dont like him. Anyone...
awww we have a cocker spaniel she is lovely . Hope yours brings you lots of love
Bloody Hell ! It just gets better and better ............
I imagine the people who died were targeted- but to walk into a family restaurant where there is a childrens party going on and killing people is...
This is really not good for Cancun..........and in front of a kids party - have these people no shame !
Near Uxmal and Chichen
I have heard there has been a fatal shooting in El Timon restauarant in Cancun....anyone heard details?
I think it was wednesday night I had the pleasure of listening to the national symphony orchestra and a fabulous opera tenor whose name escapes...
AAAh Happy birthday to the big girl. Enjoy your party. xxxxxxxx
Good luck.
I thought this might be of interest to people with family/friends in the Uk who want to visit. I found flights today for 31st Jan 2 weeks with...
Marathon is delayed 2 weeks
I have travelled back and forth to the hotel zone today with no problem - in fact its really quiet.
I thought it might be cancelled due to the extra security for COP16 - hey it gives an extra weeks training!
My husbands office had a messgae sent from the Department of transport stating the road from Cancun to Puerto Morelos will be closed on Monday-...
Yes there are a group of midwives based in Tulum willing to attend homebirths in Cancun. I have worked with them. PM me for teephone numbers or...
Yes in Plaza las americas I have had watches repaired- a small little watch/jewelry shop on the same side as LOB shoes and the food court. Sorry I...
Matt I used to practice Tai Chi and would love to start again- let me know if you find anywhere Thanks Tracey