Booked (x4)
We will be sticking with the 13th.
Actually, it looks like 6 of us for the 13th instead of the 17th. Post wedding Boobs cruise.... WOOHOO
We are bringing down a couple of hundred CCC orange wristbands, we can hook you up. Icecube88 has some too.
4 of us for the 17th
We are getting married on the 11th at TTR, so we would definitely be in for one on the 14th of May.
You picked the best Month to join the party. :lotsofmichaelfs:
I agree with you on the 52oz Bubba. They stay colder longer than the 20oz and means less trips to the bar. Must be a canadian thing. :headbanger:
It sounds like we have all the bases covered. Lol
We booked back in July:bash: I have learned this whole new thing.....patience..... Oh, who am I kidding??? IS IT MAY YET:huepfen021::huepfen021:
We are bringing down a couple of hundred for those that want or need them. Icecube88 is bringing some as well.
We just hit the liquor store here and they have added some new flavors. Besides the usual Chocolate, Vanilla and strawberry, they have added...
I'm thinking that the 11th, we will be running around in our wedding attire, possibly. If the 20th will work, then I ratify my earlier proposal to...
Being that it appears there are still some open dates for themes.... I propose that May 16th be Naughty Schoolgirl/Male teacher- Men's Kilt night.
You haven't missed anything yet, it is a little far out yet for Steve to start looking at booking dates in May. With the group of crazies we have,...
We land in Cancun at 4:35pm.
LOL, you and the hat. We can't wait to see you both again. What time do you get in on the 8th?
95 days, 16hrs, 12mins........if I was counting down. lol
Come on people, has this topic really escalated to the point of.... "Snorkel Corking"? Can't we all just get along? Lol
The Orange bracelets denote you as a member of this website. It is a great way to meet others and make a ton of new friends as well, because when...