A lot of ladies bring a 2nd top or cover up for the walk from the boat to the private area where you eat lunch as you walk through a public beach area
well down to 71 days. Really cant wait to see old friends again and of course meet some new ones
Cabo was a much smaller version. That and the fact it was converted from a desire it had a different feel. All though Ceaser was great I do have...
Biggest advantage of a Jacuzzi room is it guarantee's you a room around the quiet pool and a room on the ground floor. We always get 1 because of...
Thanx Mel. our awesome but you forgot about us in the north. What about hockey?? :D
I think there is a really good reason the resort sells out regularly in both April and May. More so then any other month(I think anyway). We...
And to firm up the theme nights so all the ladies can start there shopping :D
134 days. Come on May
Consider this another positive comment. and on that note We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and we are really looking...
We are from north of TO. We are booked from May 9th to 17th
Wow. Very nice and if there is a better pic coming I hope its going to be posted for everyone to see. I think we all need to judge because I...
Hey Mel. The Misses wants to start shopping. Any idea how long this poll is going to run for?
I was on the boat for the rainbow theme. Someone actually handed out rainbow coloured ley's for everyone to wear. seemed to work well.
Does anyone know if the hotel still goes to coco bongos on Mon and Thur nights? we have a bunch of people that want to go. I just don't want...
and I'm assuming thurs are Lingerie night. What nights re you looking to fill?
My "other vote" is for school girl and burlesque
yuck We still have 189 days before fun in the sun with all our Mayhem friends.
We were there a couple years ago in Jan. A couple days in was pretty cool and there was no where near the people in the pool compared to May. as...
Great we are looking forward to seeing you guys again. Hopefully the ladies will all get in trouble with security after burlesque night again....
Only been to Jamaica once. We went to the Breezws grand Negril. It really wasn't worth the money (and we got a great deal). It really kind of...