One of the best trip reports I have ever read. Detailed, well written and kept me interested all the way to the end despite it's length. I think...
You can upgrade at the desk, but it will cost you. Numerous people have stated that whatever rate they quote for the upgrade it is negotiable and...
Most of the rooms in Chill are garden view (building I and perhaps a few others are ocean view) and there are some garden views in Relax (the ones...
@Shy - I sent you a private message.
I wanted to book 3 referrals for ocean view rooms (mid June). Since so many people posted (on here and/or Facebook) that you booked garden view...
Here is a chart that shows the varies amenities you get by room type. Having a room in the tower does not give you the better alcohol choices -...
The 13th Floor will be there from the 16th to the 23rd. But I’m sure some will arrive a day or two early and some will stay a day or two later....
Well, in typical Temptation fashion, in spite of earlier info, it appears more than one person was able to get a referral 25% off the sale price....
Unless I am crazy (a real possibility - LOL) the sale does not look like much of a sale for those who plan to use a referral. For example, on...
@Steve - was she the last of the original playmakers? She was full of personality - sorry to hear she has left.
I stand corrected about New Zealand as they do accept global entry. As far as Mexico is concerned - I just checked the CBP website - there is...
Global Entry is a US Customs program and is only available for re-entering the US. It is not available for entering a foreign countty.
First - in general as far as the what Floor to be on related to the steps. Prior to the reno, it could be a huge hike up to the 4th floor. Post...
Did you make your original booking via a sale that specified no changes/no refunds? Many of the sales since the reno have stipulated those...
@B and M - Based on my upgraded contract signed in late June 2018 I suspect you I had a membership to RCI included with your contract. If so,...
When did you buy in? I assume you are talking about timeshare exchange systems and/or other travel services. Things like RCI, SFX, World Pass...
The bus company is called Ado. The bus was clean, great ac and very comfortable. It was cheap - my recollection was that it was about $5 or $6...
Just posted by Alan Eduardo Garcia in the premier group on Facebook: Hola everyone! i just spoke to the management of Temptation. The rooftop...
I think we could all expend a lot of energy speculating - but it seems to me we should all just hang on for a day or so and see if we get...
I just posted in the Premier group on Facebook asking for confirmation and details. Hopefully, someone from premier will answer tomorrow. It...