September 6th would be perfect! Gives my friend & I a day to recover from the first night curse I keep hearing about lol
Aw well thank u! I'm the brunette, but my hips never seem to stop growing so a L sometimes might not cut it lol. I don't really like skin tight...
Thanks so much!
Can any ladies who have ordered dresses off of yandy give some advice about sizes? I'm trying to do a little theme night shopping, but I've read...
We're coming sept 4-11th. Couldn't swing it any earlier with work :(
I was curious if it was worth getting travel insurance months after booking? I booked in April & I'm not sure if it would cover a full refund if I...
Count us in for a boobs cruise! We could do a football or sports theme for sept 7th since it is a Sunday :)
I booked through and found them cheaper than expedia. Mine was $1700 for 2 ppl for 7 nights including airfare in september
I thought "unicorns" were single girls
Sounds great! See you there!
September 4-11
I like the sports theme night. Sunday sept 7th would be a great night for that! :icon_biggrin:
Any ideas on when we will find out about theme nights?
You'll be handy to have around I'm sure! I'm a post partum nurse, former TCU & Neuro nurse. Can't wait!
Well I'm a woman & seeing 2 dozen sweaty men in football uniforms makes me very happy :) Plus, I'm a die hard Bengals fan!
I was too excited about vacation to think about football. Momentary lapse of judgment lol
haha I really wish there was a dislike button
My team's schedule just came out & the first game happens to take place while I'll be at TTR. Does the resort have any games on during football...
We have officially booked! Sept 4-11. Can't wait!!:aetsch004: