I booked through cheapcaribbean.com my first trip and got an awesome rate. It was right around the same as the one I got on cheaptickets this time
I'm single and had a blast! As long as you are respectful and don't cause trouble, I'm sure you will have a good time :)
I'll be there the 14th-21st. Can't wait :)
I think I remember you from my last trip!
I booked through cheap tickets.com. I hope we have a big group! I'm really hoping for a boobs cruise during our trip
My friend and I just booked for September 14-22! He's a newbie and this will be my second trip. I really wanted to go one last time before the...
Sorry, I haven't been on in a while and just read this. Unfortunately we won't make it this year :( I wish we could, but have a blast!
haha I just saw this... My team is fine don't worry about them ;)
I know :( we'll just have to meet up next time!
It was hit or miss. The belly flop competition got pretty wild. My memory is a little fuzzy on some of the others lol. I do remember him asking if...
I really liked JJ. I didn't participate in any games, but he always seemed to remember us. On our last day, he sat at the bar with us & we talked...
So nice meeting you guys! Oh and Who Dey!! :)
I just wanted to say what an amazing time I had! Everyone was so welcoming and made my first experience at TTR so incredible. I'm sorry if I...
About to board now!! Be there soon :)
Leaving Charlotte now!
Same to you! When do you arrive? See you there!
One more shift at work tonight, then finishing my packing tomorrow. Can't wait!!!
Hey there! Can't wait to meet everyone! I hope I can remember who everyone is lol. If you recognize me, come say hello. I have a terrible memory...
Thanks Steve!
Haha and they always draw it out "nuuuuuuuuuuurse." It drives me bonkers! I usually just say "That is not my name. My name is Brandy, what do you...