See you there We will be at the Sexy pool!! Jan 25th - Feb 2nd TAMI N KEVIN TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 2015, JAN 25-FEB 2 2016...
They were there in Nov when we were there. It wasnt talked about much during our meeting but it offers Member a 3 month subscription. To each...
Jan 25th - Feb 2nd TAMI N KEVIN TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 2015, JAN 25-FEB 2 2016 APRIL 29 - MAY 10 2016
If you go to Market 28 you may find a black ring. The bracelets you have to order on the website. The ring is better, everyone questions the...
Lots of woman had temporary tattoo done on their breast and nipples were showing at Patty-O's TAMI N KEVIN TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV...
We will be there again Jan 25 - Feb 2nd. Looking forward to making new friends, hanging at the sexy pool...we brought lots of stuff in November,...
I was there in November and never had to use the password until almost the last day. I had my phone and tablet on wifi. No prob on either...wifi...
We cant wait to see all you Crazy May Maham folk! We will be there April 29 - May 10th...first we need to have a Blast with all the Naughty...
We will be there 8 - 19th and we signed up for the Boob Cruise on the 13th !! TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 8TH -19TH 2015
We will prob be around the Premier Bar, the pool bar or standing near the swings!! Look for the funny shirt guy...that is Kevin! I will have a...
Booked 2 for Nov 13 Ready to Party!! TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 8TH -19TH 2015
We haven't booked yet...will be there in 24 days for Naughty November! We will be booking April 29- May 10th, I believe. Celebrating Kevins...
Looking forward to booking our 6th boob cruise! They are a Blast...lots of Adult fun! TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 8TH -19TH 2015
Wait...thats where they do the FOAM PARTY...sooo much fun!!! TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 8TH -19TH 2015
We definitely would, but we come in on the 8th... TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 8TH -19TH 2015
Just watching the Oct showers and thunderstorms. Anyone know if there is alot of rain in Nov? What are the normal temps in Nov? We are hearing how...
Looking forward to joining you in the Sexy Pool Drunk!!
We paid the same last year. Then We became Members. Found that the rooms are cheaper in May . Not sure what airfares will be yet. So it looks...
Our third year it was the only avail rooms. It was 3rd floor above Patty O's. Not bad...but the noise kept us up. Our 4th trip, they gave us 1st...
That sounds like Mischevous fun!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk