oh my............so much...
Les..........it seems as though the guys felt out of place and that can be dreadful. We wish them a wonderful holiday the next time out!
excellent advice
June is going to be fun.......find the sign up for the yahoo group on this apage......and see the events and themes post
"not just"............does that mean sometimes is good? *perk*
we are there at the same time.......are you a single? couple? tell us..........
you got a nice price......we did as well a free night for every 4 we booked......so 11 days just over $2100 including flights
hmmmmmmm these room parties are shaping up nicely...............
bumpity upity
can you hear the crickets chirping? just 3 more weeks and we'll leave our mark on TTR forever!
you are being very critical of me Jamesie.........my brains on the field? Some of them maybe...certainly not most of them........and have been...
hey......I have played at Mile High!
OMG don't tell that Jamie fellow that people actually get naked at TTR and enjoy it! He's in denial................no not the river! He...
Jamesie.....we are in their Yahoo Group.........again.....it's all good my fellow!
Jamie.....why aren't your photos of you? Hmmmmmmm. Ineresting isn't it. Jamie........relax.......it's all good darling!