Wait a minute...if we vote (the) Donald as TTR president, won't that mean he will build a wall to keep the Mexicans out?!? Not sure that will...
I agree! Its time for (the) Donald to Make Temptation great again! :daveandmo:
Another question- We are going down on a referral. Do all the bars have upgraded booze, or do we have to go to a special bar?
Again, since we still haven't been there yet, I'm imagining it going something like this- -Hops out of pool naked to get shorts off bar roof- "...
Would it help if I said drinks were on me?
First round is on me!
Thanks for the friend request. Will we be seeing you this April?
I haven't been to TTR yet, but a few years ago I feel asleep on the beach in Punta Cana. I awoke to 6 guys in " Green peace " t-shirts trying to...
They are here! Added you on FB. Let the challenges begin!!!!:anon:
Not for nothin, I'm just glad our Yandy order has shown up yet, or else I might of gotten my.....er..pee-pee slapped as well. All jokes aside, I...
Since the CDN dollar closed at almost $0.76 USD I might be able to afford 1 or 2! Just kidding. I can't. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not there until the end of April so I guess our paths wont cross Since your in that field maybe you could recommend someone who could do a...
All good advice. I am normally a Vodka water drinker myself, but do like to switch to Vodka Redbulls at night. I see i'm not alone with this. I...
Twister with EDIBLE oil :ladiesman1:
Great review! I just have one question: Did you get to see any Boobs?!?!:sofa:
This has quickly become my favorite thread!!! Great job, ladies!!!!:beer4:
Put down 4 for April 28 for me please. Getting more excited everyday!!
We will look you up when they arrive!
Waiting for our new Fitbit Blazes to show up. Preordered them from Best Buy, hers was shipped out Friday, mine says out of stock!![emoji36] Be...