Everyone I know that drinks it makes them horney so good idea to not drink to much alone ! Just saying
Fireball... Can't get AIWC around here
Going to be a fireball kind of weekend...
Getting the joy sucked out is not always a bad thing ! If you know what I mean ! Js
6 weeks from today and its party time
It's all about having a good time . There are way to many drama queens on here . If people can 't say something good or joke around should just...
Yes she would look better in a crimson tide jersey ! Roll tide Roll
That's a beautiful waitress ! Just saying!!!
Lol ... True - True !!! But which outlet do you get the most electricity out of when plugged in ?
1/2 Rum Chata and 1/2 fireball = Cum shot
Because two heads thinking at the same time is better than one !
Wish we could go the whole month of April looking at the couples that are going to be there dam there's a lot of beautiful lady's going to be...
47 days till we leave this cold and wet country and head to sun and fun !
You are dead on my friend ! It's all about having FUN !
No better way or place to spend your 50th birthday! I had my 50th there last year ! Beats the hell out of alabama