So Kevin is that the way you will be strutting around Chris
Time for some outlaw Shit... [media]
T-4 Till GDFR [media]
We have been there several times and it is great. Like others have said, it is laid back during the day but Very happening at night on the wknds....
Anyone have a pic they took with their cell phone or a camera with gps tracking at the Boobs Cruise Beach Bar.. We are going diving on the 9th and...
Ya Rob.. It will be good to see you.. Angel was talking about the other night. Chris
Me and Steve acquired a new boat.. Hope everyone likes Chris [media]
Slut, How can you have a nic like that and no Chris
Is there still a Glow Night??? Use to be part of White Night.. Chris
What night is ABC Night Chris and Angel
Hi guys We will be there may 6th till may 11th. We will have to get together for drinks,dinner or ??? Our regular email is
Party in My Room Last Year... Chris
That song is actually the story of my life to a T. Chris
Chris and I had a Wonderful time meeting new friends and seeing old alike. One of our best trips ever and definitely the friendliest bunch ever....
be there soon At the airport flight leaves in 1 hr . Should be at pool by 1030....
At the airport flight leaves in 1 hr . Should be at pool by 1030....
:aetsch004: You can try me on for Chris
Naughty Schoolgirl As for Sunday Nov 3rd is anything goes/Naughty Schoolgirl night, We have had many PM's expressing interest in it. So Naughty...
So who is in for the Nov 3rd School Gril Night. We are game but want at least 10 other couples to join or its just silly.. Angel