We are hoping they will be open and construction will still be at a minimum. I would really hope they wouldn't close the resort at this point...
This post should be on the swinger website, I'm sure you will get a lot more replies there... Cancun Swingers Lifestyle Couples Forum
This is a very interesting rate at breathless. TTR should consider something like this... 3'S A PARTY PROMOTIONAv. daily price 428 USD/night The...
We are looking to book mid July also, but hoping we hear some kind of construction news first. We will still go if there is construction going...
Check on the forum as time gets closer to your trip. We normally go in July and are planning to go sometime in July next year as well. We have...
Yep, but I think you have to pay off 50% of your contract before you can use the free week. The week is completely free. I figured they would be...
We will be there too in two days! Can't wait for the party to start.
Never heard that one, bring your own sunblock or sunscreen. The rule is you can't apply the sunscreen yourself you have to have your signifant...
I've seen a few Facebook posts from resort about daily activities but I don't remember seeing it on their website. Get to the pool by 11am and you...
Really? It would seem like a great fit for him. I'll be there if he really goes.
Great point about the AIWC, if I can find some time I'll try to find some. The stuff is really hit or miss in my area.
1. Yep, Steve has said that it's getting more popular every year, so even a better chance of picking a date with a boobs cruise. 2. The GOV...
Sarah Clayton has visited several times (playboy).
We will be there July 25th - August 1st. Less than 2 weeks away!!!
It looks like it will be a small, but fun cruise. Only 17 more days!!! LadynTramp, I hope you guys are able to go on the cruise, but I...
Not sure what to pack? Swimsuit is a must. Then something nicer for dinner and something for the resort theme (sometimes you can where this for...
Finally got some time to sign up! It's been very busy lately. whitey still needs to sign up. Meeting a few other friends that I'll try to talk...
The Mrs. got a sexy wet look black dress and garners (think of pleather or leather). I got some black wet looking jeans that are tight and hot so...
They do have Jack Daniels at a few of the bars, but you are supposed to be premier. They should have Jim at all the bars and it's available for...
I've read that it's a good time (especially for families). I know if we ever go down to Cancun with our son we would take him to the Captain Hook...