No snow No snow but it is 13 degrees Farenheit at 8:30 am...and it is currently 75 degrees farenheit in Cancun at 8:30 am...We're off in two days...
Anything Goes We had all intentions of going to anything goes last visit...damn bar got in the way and we didn't make it. I agree "Ban the cameras"
Warmer Weather had a few flurries yesterday and freezing fog....That's always fun to drive in. Mid to upper 60's today, think I'll wear shorts....
Cold! It was 17 degrees farenheit this morning when I got up with a wind chill of 1..... :cry: We are so ready to get to Cancun!!!
Christmas Day/Night Does anyone know if the Resort has anything special going on December 25th? Or if it is just another normal (if you can call...
Getting Closer Getting closer to leaving...really just wanted to see our ticker thingy
15 Days 15 Days and we'll be on our way to Temptations!! Hopefully without this darn cold. We'll have to see if this Oklahoma money spends any...
15 more days 15 more days until we depart for Temptations and I better be rid of this darn cold by then.... :?
23 More days for us! Time is starting to slow down just a bit too much.... Ready to get there now!!!
Ticker Seeing if I figured it out!
29 Days and Counting!! We'll be there the 23d - 29th, 2nd trip, 1st since it was BBG. We can't wait, getting too cold here already. Thank...
30 Days and counting!! 30 more days for us and happy because it is getting cold!!! Thank goodness we have a hot tub!!! :cool:
Coco Bongo For all the Temptation Virgins Coco Bongo is a must see. Much like Mardi Gras you can explain it all you want, but you really need...
A reserved Brit?? Is there such a, learn something new everyday. :cool:
wow...although I'm not shy... I think I will spare everyone the laughter and find some boxers at a minimum.... I'll let the wife be brave if she...
Casino Night This will be our 2nd trip but 1st Casino night. I know the preference for the ladies is as little as possible. What do the guys...
Coming 24-29 December We'll be visiting Temptations for the 1st time since BBG December 24th-29th. Looking forward to a great time and great people.
Wel be there Dec 23-29th. 1st trip since they changed from Blue Bay Getaway. We can't wait.
We'll be there for the 1st time since it was Blue Bay Getaway. Dec 23'd-Dec 29th. Can't wait.
Temptations for New Years 09 We'll be leaving just before New Years, however will be there from Dec 23'd through the 29th. Second trip, can wait...